Hi I’m Belle. I was born in June, 1994 and lived for the first three years with another family. For some reason, they couldn’t keep me and my new mum and dad came and met me. We all fell
in love at first sight and they bought me home to live with them. They
also have another baby, Sam,
and we’re the best of friends. We play together (though Sam doesn’t know
how to bring a ball back) and we have lots of fun. My mum takes us on lots
of walks. During the day when my mum is at work, she takes us to her mums.
So I’m being very spoilt here.
It took me a while to get used to my new home.
I used to live outside and sleep in a kennel. Now I live inside and get
to sleep on the big bed. I’m very happy here, and I’m getting lots of muscles
from all the exercise, and playing with Sam.