Body For Life Take 2 Challenge begins

Day 1 went great. Woke up ready and raring to go – most unlike me. Found out Amy was sick and staying home – still wanted to stay on track. Only had a few moments when I thought of eating something yummy. Knowing I can eat again in 2-3 hours really helps. While I say I’m doing BFL I’m not doing it strictlyu. rather i am eating clean as much as possible and trying to have protein and carb at each meal, where possible. I am NOT planning to be perfect. While I hope to workout daily I didn’t today and I’m not going to stress about it. Today was the first step to a healthy life and one I’m very pleased with. For the first time in a long time I’m feeling positive. I know letting go of perfectionism is a real key for me – that’s what I did originally when I lost over 10kg in 2005.