Feeling Good

Well, today I’ve feeling rather good. Firstly, the scales were very kind this morning and show me at a new low weight. Secondly, I had a great lower body workout at the gym, then took Rosie on a walk for 25mins (feet a bit sore but heal was fine). Thirdly I tried on nearly all the clothes I have stashed away in tubs (only 3). A few Summer things almost fit and there are more that will fit by the time Summer arrives. I will a great Summer wardrobe – most things are as yet unworn as I never quite fitted into them (bought during the last 2 years) – but this year they will fit for sure. I’ve now completed nearly 10 weeks on BFL and feel so great. It is such a habit now to eat every 2-3 hours and I very rarely look for food in between those times. I’ve NEVER experienced hours of not thinking about food. It’s wonderful. I might even do measurements and photos this Sunday to celebrate 10 weeks. Then it’s just another 6 weeks till school holidays – when I’ll enjoy 2 “relaxed” weeks.