Christy celebrated her 6th bithday on Sept 11. And frankly I don’t know where the time has gone. It’s pretty scary actually. In another 6 years I’ll have 2 teenage daughters. What fun that will be!!! Okay, I’ll be positive…what a challenge that will be :-).
She opened her presents in the morning and was very excited to get the Baby Alive doll that she asked for – it can drink and wee. She took a cake in to share with her class and then after swimming lessons we went out to Chili’s for dinner. Wasn’t the greatest night as we were all a bit tired but it still made her birthday a bit special – and her doll got to sit in it’s own highchair.
Happy b’day Christy! I hope she had a good one!
WOW! Happy birthday to your cutie, I love Chili’s!