Okay, so I just couldn’t resist buying one (okay, two) of these gorgeous canvas bags. For my fellow Aussies I got it in Big W.
On Sat I cleaned and tidied much of the kitchen – including re-organising the ever messy tupperware drawer. Looks great now doesn’t it. Well, this is one of the drawers anyway – the one with all the lunch containers.
Yesterday we took the girls to see “The Game Plan”. I really enjoyed it and it was a good way to spend a few hours (especially when you can’t eat :-)). While we were out I spotted, and bought, this fabulous book.
Today I’ve cleaned all of downstairs so that house is lovely, clean and tidy. I would have to have done upstairs as well but wanted to get a workout in at the gym. Also spent some time in the veggie garden. I picked some strawberries and the first (very little) zucchini. The tomatoes are cute small green things and the cucumber is just starting to flower. Here’s some of my pickings from last week.
Let us know if you like that book……..Your garden sounds great, good for you……….hope all is well with your preparations for surgery!