Happy New Year

Well, I was actually fast asleep when we rang in the new year. I did hear the fireworks going off but was too exhausted to even get out of bed to watch them (we can see them in the distance from our bedroom window). I heard Kevin wake but couldn’t even move my lips to wish him Happy New Year. Mind you I was awake until 11.35pm which is well beyond my normal bed time – esp. since I’m usually up between 4.30 and 5.30am.

We had a wonderful NYE. Our friends Kay and Sean and their kids, plus my Mum and Dad joined us. We had homemade burgers and salad for dinner. We just relaxed and chatted, the kids swam and played, we had sparklers – which everyone had fun with, we watched the 9pm Sydney fireworks on TV and then the local 9.30pm fireworks from upstairs. It was a great way to end 2007.

New Years Eve 2007New Years Eve 2007 New Years Eve 2007  New Years Eve 2007