There’s nothing like fresh eggs

 chook house eggs

We are so lucky to have our own hens. They are about 16 months old now and I’ll get 5-6 eggs a day from the 6 girls. They are the funniest things. They lay all their eggs in one corner of their home, often piled high. We were going to make them a roost but never got around to it and they certainly don’t seem to care – they all just wait their turn for the corner.


Unfortunately our back yard doesn’t quite look like the photo any more – it’s just dirt (they ate all the grass) and full of holes (from their dust baths).  Whenever I go to the backdoor they come running to see what food I’ve bought for them and they perch on our dining room window ledge (at ground level) and watch us inside. When they were younger they used to come in through the doggie door and we’d come home to find the house full of chickens (and the resulting poo). We quickly got a new, more secure doggie door. So now they can just watch through the doggie door when I’m in the laundry. I’ll try to take some more photos later today. They really are just so cute and fun, and lay the yummiest eggs.