I’m in LOVE!!!

Okay, how is it that I did not know about the Craftainers website before? I mean it is a website all about scrapbooking and organising – two of my favourite things. And the subject of the online class I’m taking with Big Picture Scrapbooking. Which is how I came to find this website. I was searching for some boxes that I thought I could put on my computer desk to gain more vertical storage on this wall (the only spare wall space I have in the room).


However, now having fallen in love with Craftainers I might have a new idea. The Lisa and Becky rail system.


Just not quite sure how it would work though since it’s not my actually scrapbooking area but I can put things like stamps, stamp pads, paints,etc on it. Something to consider anyway.

This website could be a VERY dangerous discovery as it also has the Memory Dock system I have eyeing for a long time – and didn’t know I could buy in Australia. Hmm…. how long till my birthday…

PLEASE NOTE… I am back getting e-mail – HURRAY!!!

3 thoughts on “I’m in LOVE!!!

  1. Hi Libby,
    I emailed you back, then read your blog and saw you can’t retrieve your emails. Hopefully, they’ll get fixed soon. Sad thing is I never got emails until a few yrs. ago and now it’s the first thing I check every morning, what would I ever do without them. I feel like a slave to the computer haha. And wow- I thought it was pretty cool that someone from Australia was rdg my blog. That’s why I love this whole thing you read about people from all over and I find that so interesting. It’s great to see that even though we all live in diff. places we’re all similiar in some way, especially when it comes to kids. Congratulations again on the weight loss, that takes a lot of patience and perserverance(sp) and courage. Good Luck on your continued success!
    Mikey(Annie’s sister)

  2. Hi Libby,

    I love your dedication to organising. I really need to do something with all my scrap booking. I never find enough time to do it 🙁

    I dragged out my scrapbooking box tonight from under my bed and going to start scrapping about a road trip I took at the start of the year.

    I was just wondering do you use digital scrapbooking? I have done a class in Leichhardt last year at city scrapbooking and it was quite good…just a beginers class.


  3. I love your scraproom………OMG, you are already so organized…..i can’t wait to see it when you get the new stuff. I will have to check the website…….thanks for the info.

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