Shopping and ducks


Up a little later at 6am today. Read blogs, uploaded yesterday blog post (wasn’t working yesterday), did some ironing and had a “little” tidy up (not that you’d know it now). We had some breakfast and left about 9am for some shopping at Pacific Fair. According to the website it was open at 9am and technically it was, but most shops didn’t open till 10am. I just love the entrance to the Peter Alexander Store – shame it was closed when we went by.

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We spotted a Mrs Fields so got some cookies and a tea (coffee for Kevin).


We then wondered around the shops, buying some bits and pieces. Managed to get the two other Anne of Green Gables movies so Amy is happy. We stopped for lunch in the food court, then headed back to the apartment.  Christy got a new little backpack for hiking.


Next up was Christy’s choice – a ride on the Aquaduck. This is a bus/boat.


You start of on land – driving along the street of Surfers, then launch into the water and have a bit of a tour of the VERY expensive home on the canels. Check out the one with the helicopter in the back yard – this is apparently his weekend home.


Both girls got to have a drive.

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After this we headed to Cold Rock for another ice-cream, which we ate on the grass area of the complex.

Later Amy and Kevin headed to the Wax Museum (Amy’s choice), while Christy went for the swim and I read.

We settled in for the night again, with the girls watching Hercules.

Tomorrow : Warner Bros. Movie World