Outback Adventure – Day 24 – The conclusion

Well, no photos today as the camera is still refusing to work. I woke up around 6am, got myself a cup of tea and headed back to bed to read. Later Amy joined me and we finally got up around 7.30am. I had a shower and dressed and completed my packing. When Dad turned up at 9am I was pretty much organised. He took the first lot of stuff that is staying with the van and came back for the stuff we’re taking home.

After a final check of the cabin I returned the key and headed over to the van. Mum wasn’t feeling well so I sat outside reading (enjoyed another cup of tea) and shortly afterwards Dad took Mum to the doctors. I spent the morning relaxing in the sun, the girls at the park. We organised some lunch shortly before Dad came to pick us up. We had planned to call by the hospital and pick Mum up but she still hadn’t seen the doctor so Dad drove us out to the airport so we could get checked in and went back to pick up Mum.

We got our boarding pass and went through security – getting pulled up because there was a pair of scissors in Amy’s pencil case – I’d forgotten all about them. Oh well. Good they find these things I guess.

We wandered through the shops and got a few things for the girls dance teachers, then went to the cafe. We grabbed a snack and shortly after Mum, then Dad arrived. We sat for about 15mins before it was time to say our farewells. I’m so jealous we miss out on the last part of the trip. It’s been a fantastic trip.

Our flight home was very uneventful. We were served a snack, the girls played theirs DSs and I read. I took the window seat for the first half and got to watch the amazing expanse of desert that we flew over.

We arrived in Sydney at 4.30and went to get our luggage and met our driver for the trip home. He was kind enough to stop at the shops so I could get some milk and bread and we arrived home to a great welcome from Rosie just on 6pm.

Didn’t really unpack, had some dinner and watched some TV before heading up to my wonderful bed.

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