I actually forgot to photograph todays muffin tin but this is the one from last week. It was just for Amy as Christy was unwell. She had cheese, dip, carrot, crackers, a homemade cheese scroll and a piece of peppermint chocolate.
For more great muffin tin ideas please visit the new host at Her Cup Overfloweth.
Last weeks menu plan went well. There was a hitch one night when I didn’t have any TVP left so instead of Tortilla Pie I made Sweet Potato Burritos. Oh, and I when I went to do the falafel (which hadn’t yet expired) they were mouldy. We had mexi-bean wraps instead. So I bit of improvising went on. Another easy week coming up.
MONDAY: (SO HOT!!!) Kids – toasted sandwiches, adults leftover frittata
TUESDAY: Fried Rice with tofu
WEDNESDAY: Corn Quiche
THURSDAY: Chili Con Carne with Organic Corn Chips
FRIDAY: OUT (meeting Annie and her family in Sydney)
SATURDAY: Our Halloween Party
SUNDAY: I’m thinking leftover party food…..
For more great menu idea visit the organising junkie.
Any meal with chocolate, is a friend of mine!! lol I bet that tin didn’t stay full long!
We had to adapt for some sickies this week – we had some of the same items! Very nice.