Menu Plan Monday


Last weeks plan went well. The honey soy noodles with tofu were yummy. I was exhausted on Thursday night so we tvp taco wraps instead of the planned taco salad (even that was too hard). On Saturday night we had afternoon tea leftovers and last night Kevin & I made up a reciepe. We had bought a box of mangos on the way up to my Aunts so we diced up one with the tofu, added some hoisin sauce and cream and served on some brown rice. Very yummy.

MONDAY: Spinach (From garden) & Ricotta Quiche (new recipe)

TUESDAY: Rice Paper Rolls

WEDNESDAY: From freezer (on my own for dinner and girls & Kevin -taking photos- at dance rehearsal)

THURSDAY: Lentil Bolognase

FRIDAY: Vegetable Curry


SUNDAY: OUT (Girls dance concert day)

For more great menu ideas be sure to visit the Organising Junkie.

7 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday

  1. Yum! It’s always nice to see another vegetarian menu plan. The lentil bolognese sounds great. I’ve never made it before–do you have a favorite recipe?

  2. Yum! I was wondering if you would share the recipe, or a link to the recipe, for the Lentil Bolognase and the Vegetable Curry?


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