Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while will know that I’ve had a pretty good year – an excellent one fact. I’ve managed to lose more weight and maintain it for the last 6 months. And, best of all, I feel I have grown as a person and in my contentment levels being a housewife and Mum. The following are the goals I set for 2008 and how I went with them. I think it’s an improvement on last year.
– Work on household routine – need to incorporate detailed cleaning (Routine is now in place, still working on getting in more detailed cleaning)
– Continue work in veggie garden esp. winter production (Pretty good)
– Grow potatoes (have large pot just waiting to be used) NO
– Get worm farm going again (may need new system) YES, bought a new compost bin (no worms)
– Work out how to get seedlings to grow in green house (no success so far) No, they all died again
– Shop for fruit and veg at local markets /continue to buy organic where possible Didn’t get to local market but bought more organic this year
– Learn to make more things from scratch i.e rolls, tortillas YES, though I’m still not doing it as much as I should
– Start paying extra of mortgage (by mid-year) Umm.. present will start this in Feb 09
– Start saving for UK trip (due to start next week) YES, we’re putting aside money every week into a travel account
– Stick to budget (you never know it might happen one day) YES!!!!!!
– Learn to sew (either in classes or on my own) NO, everytime I enroll in a class it gets cancelled
– Take a vegetarian cooking class at Nan Tien Temple ( have form printed out, just have to mail it off with a cheque) Class was cancelled
– Volunteer work – still trying to find the right thing for me (already do uniform shop and canteen at school) No luck as yet
– Make more hand-made presents (those I made this seemed to be a big hit) YES!!!
– Organise ( and keep organised) my scrapbook space (can’t wait for my Big Picture Scrapbook class with Wendy Smedley to start) Yes but it’s a WIP
– Develop knitting skills – make something other than scarves NO 🙁
– Read more about simple living YES
– Get back to working out 6 days a week (3 cardio, 3 weights) On and off throughout the year (but regular exercise)
– Get out and enjoy life more (already started on this one) YES!!! Definitely been a lot of FIRSTS this year.
You are so amazing!!!
WOW – that’s impressive. I haven’t looked at my 2008 goals list as I’m not sure it was my most impressively productive year. Or rather, my focus changed and I achieved in other areas! 😉
Best wishes for 2009, Libby.