Nelson’s Bay Holiday

We arrived in Nelson’s Bay in time for lunch. Since we couldn’t get into our apartment until 2pm we went to a local cafe, overlooking Little Beach.
Lunch at Little beach Lunch at Little Beach

We had a lovely meal and the girls were very well looked after.

Lunch at Little Beach

The girls had a play at the park and at 2pm we went to get our keys. We’ve been staying at this same apartment complex for the last 7 years but we’re in a different apartment this time. This is the view we’ll be enjoying.

Nelson's Bay - view from apartment

After unpacking the car Mum & I went to get some groceries (Dad took the girls for a swim in the pool). We relaxed  a bit and enjoyed dinner sitting on our deck.

Today Amy & I were up early and went for a walk. It’s nice to be up before the crowds and before it gets busy.

Nelson's Bay

We had  relaxing morning and around 11am went down to the beach for a few hours. The girls had fun and I sat on the beach reading.

Nelson's Bay Nelson's Bay

Unfortunately Amy kind of lost it on the way back and sent me into a bad mood for much of the afternoon. I read, Dad took them to play a bit of golf and later for a swim. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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