After dropping the girls at school, Kevin and I headed up to Sydney Airport – stopping briefly at Paddy Palin so I could buy a new packpack. We parked the car in the long term carpark and waited to catch the bus to the terminal.
We checked in and headed to Qantas Club where we enjoyed a little snack before boarding our plane. On board I read for our quick one hour flight to Melbourne. Upon arrival we were met by our driver who then took us to our accomodation at the Grand Mecure.
Our room is very nice. I’ve stayed here many times before and it’s a nice central location.
It was around 2.30pm when we headed back out for a wonder through the shops. We stopped for some afternoon tea and I had a delicious cupcake – was was ALMOST too cute to eat.
We aren’t very good shoppers and bought a top for Kevin and a bud vase for myself. Around 4pm we decided to go to the movies. Kevin has been wanting to see Star Trek so that’s what we did.
Check out the seats – lots more luxurious then we’re used to. I always get popcorn and Kevin always get a choc top ice-cream.
The movie was great and reminded me our our pre-children days when we watched the whole series of Next Generation. When we got out it was cold and the streets were crowded so we picked up some Nandos for dinner and took it back to our room to eat.
The remainder of the evening was spent watching TV. We watched Silent Witness for the first time was rather enjoyed it – gruesome as it was.
Hi Lib and Kevin, How cold is it in Melbourne because it is absolutely freezing here – 12 deg or something ridiculous like that. Was there anyone else at the movies with you? The cinema looks empty. Glad you are having a good time. We are both very envious – a weekend childfree -hmmmmmm imagine that…… well see you on the 7th.