Getting healthy – 4th August

Video recap of the week plus a look at some of my groceries. I decided I wanted to share some meal photos at the end of the video – but after I’d already uploaded to youtube. So this week I’ll just put the photos after the video.

My version of a veggie burger – no bun and it was delicious.


Lunch – leftover sweet bean burito mix (served for dinner the previous night in a tortilla) with salad


I was so proud when I made this veggie stirfry WITHOUT a recipe. Served with veggie kebabs and over brown rice – Yum!!

Dinner - 1st Aug

Lunch out on Sunday – veggie frittata – shared with DH.

Lunch - frittata

One thought on “Getting healthy – 4th August

  1. Congrats to you both on your weight loss! (And thanks for the conversion too because I wouldn’t have known what that meant – gotta love Americans and their clueless when it comes to the metric system.) Sounds like you’ve had a fantastic week, congrats!

    Ava drinks rice milk because as a infant she had a reaction to cow’s milk. I’m not crazy about rice milk but she loves it. Hemp milk is another option, I really only use the alternative milks in cereal and smoothies. That stinks you can’t find them Australia.

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