As you can probably tell we’ve been making a real effort to get out there on Sundays and spend it together. This week was no exception. The weather was glorious – definitely more Spring like than Winter like.
We decided to take the dogs to the local dog beach. They had a ball. The girls did too. Rosie had fun swimming out to fetch her ball, until it got lost. Bailey had fun following her, exploring and trying to eat the sand that Rosie & Christy were digging up. He’s such a crazy dog.
Don’t you just love the heart that Christy made on the sand – how cute!!!
We then drove by the dog wash to get the sand out of their coats and then dropped them at home. The girls had a quick shower and got changed (crazy girls actually went in the water). We then headed back out to the local airport. We had lunch at the restaurant and watched planes taking off and landing.
Unfortunatley my veggie burger was like nothing I have ever had before, and I obviously didn’t read the menu properly. I did order it without the bun (in case you were wondering). I didn’t really like the veggies so I ended up with Christy’s bread (which she didn’t like) and had a chip and beetroot sandwich – with suprisingly VERY good.
Kevin did enjoy his pie and Amy said her steak sandwich was okay. So I’m not sure if we’d come back here again. Maybe, it certainly was nice sitting outside.
After lunch we headed to the HARS museum. I had read good things about it recently on Tina’s blog and, like her, we were very impressed. We did get a VERY talkative guide so our tour was perhaps a little long (the next tour which started half-way through ours caught up to us at the end). Amy really enjoyed it and so did Christy, but she got a little bored towards the end. And it was cool in the big hangers and none of us had jackets. Definitely a well worth visit for local and tourists alike.
Our last stop for the day was another visit to see Granny in hospital. She was asleep when we arrived but we knew we’d be in trouble if we didn’t wake her. We had a short visit and I believe she was asleep again before we left the ward :-).
Home to see our tired puppies and enjoy a family movie.
Thanks for the mention, Libby 😀
Does Wollongong have an airport?!
Looks like a nice day out – hope your Granny is ok.