So lucky to live here

Wollongong Lighthouse

Yesterday I went on an excursion with Amy’s academically gifted class. They are studying communications to visited the two lighthouses in Wollongong, then the Illawarra Museum (which we walk past everytime we go to the basketball but had never noticed), and a local radio station. It was a fun morning. Just thought I’d share some photos of this beautiful town in which we live.


Even my car was enjoying the view. On the right hand side in the Entertainment Center where we go to watch the basketball.

My car

The big hotel you can see is the Novotel where we got married (nearly 17 years ago – it was painted pink then).

Looking towards North Beach

Riding the canon

We stopped for recess at Belmore Basin. Used to come here all the time when the kids were younger.

Relaxing at Belmore Basin

This is the original lighthouse.

The first Wollongong Lighthouse

The museum was originally the post office. Still can’t believe I’ve never been here before.

Illawarra Museum

And finally a photo of the grotty end of Wollongong Mall. Don’t come down to this end very much these day (the main shopping center is at the other end). It actually looks quite nice but most of the shops need refurbishing.

Wollongong Mall

Hope you enjoyed my little tour around Wollongong.  All these photos were taken just a 15 min drive from our home.

4 thoughts on “So lucky to live here

  1. What a lovely day and beautiful pictures! And how wonderful that you’re able to attend these sorts events with the girls, that’s what it’s all about.

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