Wedding Weekend – Part 3 – Out & About in Sydney

Sydney Tower

Well, not too much of a sleep on for this early bird family. I think Amy & I were up about 6am, Kevin around 6.30 and Christy about 7.30am. We lazed about reading, playing DS’s and having some breakfast. At 8.30am we went for a swim in the indoor pool. But it was a bit cold so Kevin & I headed straight for the spa.

Libby watching Christy slowing getting into pool

In for a swim

After showering (the girls enjoyed the huge 2 person bath) and getting dressed we met up with Mum & Dad. The first stop today was Sydney Tower as my poor deprived children have never been to the top :-). We got our ticket and caught the lift to the top. The view was amazing – we picked the perfect day that’s for sure.

View from Sydney Tower

The building with the dome in the center is the Queen Victoria Building where the wedding was held.

View from Sydney Tower

View from Sydney Tower

Sydney Tower

Looking from Sydney Tower

We caught the lift back down and were too late to see the Oz Trek (ride movie) so we headed off in search of an early lunch. We ended up in the David Jones cafe, where I had a delicious Minestrone Soup – which unfortunately had meat in it (tiny bits that I had to try and avoid).

Minestrone soup for lunch

We then decided to visit the Hyde Park Barracks as none of us had been there before.


Hyde Park Barracks

It was very interesting and well worth a visit. We scored a bargin and it was half price today – which meant just $15 for the six of us!  We wondered through the rooms and displays. There was quite a bit for kids to do as well.

Doing etchings

Tea for two

Behind Bars

Just hanging around

On way back to Sydney Tower we walked though Hyde Park.

Walking in Hyde Park

Hyde park

We then did Oz Trek – it was quite cute – very obviously aimed at tourists, but it’s included in the ticket price so not too bad. Next up was the Apple Store. I needed some new headphones and Mum ended up getting an i-phone. The girls had fun playing.

Apple store At the apple store

Last stop for the day was the cupcake shop (just 2 doors up from the apartment). They all looked so yummy and it was very hard to choose just 2!.

Cupcake store


Our selection

I didn’t really think about it very well and chose a mango and orange jaffa! The orange jaffa was the nicer of the two but both were a little on the dry side. Still, they went down very nice with a cup of tea back at the apartment.


We then said our farewells (Mum & Dad are staying an extra night) and set off home to Wollongong, picking up pizza for dinner on the way. We got home around 6.30pm to two pups that were VERY happy to see us.

4 thoughts on “Wedding Weekend – Part 3 – Out & About in Sydney

  1. What a cool day Libby!

    I think my work building is in the one with the QVB that you took! 🙂

    Your mum will love her iphone – I think I spend too much time on mine. Thinking of deleting facebook because I’ve become obsessed with checking it.

    Those cupcakes sure do look great!

    Hyde Park is nice isnt it? I got to know my way around it only this year when I started doing my lunchtime walks. I don’t go up there much now because I get held up at too many trafficlights so instead head to darling harbour.

    Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing Libby

  2. Is the QVB also a mall? We went there…but missed out on Hyde Park, looks so pretty!! The jail looks cool too! The weather you had was fabulous!! What a view!

  3. Loved all these pics, you guys look like you had a great weekend getaway, so fun!

    I want to find a cupcake store like that around here! Nothing like that anywhere around town, at least not that I’ve stumbled upon yet.

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