Operation Clean Up : My Desk

Today I tackled my desk. It’s a constant job since I spend way too much of the day there. It took me about 6 hours (not the hour that it should have) as I kept on getting sidetracked. Oh, well, I didn’t have much today anyway – too hot to go outside except for a swim.





And the drawers are MUCH emptier…

Top drawer….

IMG_4093 IMG_4096

Middle drawer…

IMG_4094 IMG_4101

And bottom drawer…might not look any different but it was full to overflowing…

IMG_4095 IMG_4102


2 thoughts on “Operation Clean Up : My Desk

  1. Again…be still my beating heart. I too have been cleaning and purging and love the results. I live with 3 boys as you know, and their care factor about such things is about -5. Ha!

    I am back to work tomorrow and this will seriously curtail my activities.

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