Operation Clean Up : Linen Cupboard

A couple of days ago I tidied up the small linen cupboard.

Before: Stuffed to the gills and overflowing


After: Donated most of the books from the bottom and some of the linen we no longer use.

Linen cupboard after

The top shelf has stuff for our king size bed.

Second shelf – Christy quilt, cover and spare sheets (Amy had room in her own cupboard to store her own)

Third shelf – Guest linen for our sofa bed

Forth shelf – Two cushions I’m hoping to knit/crochet covers for, and a container with some of my clothes

Bottom shelf/floor – a spare pillow

Can’t say I want to do the big linen cupboard – full of Christmas decoration containers, books, and other assorted junk that has no home!


3 thoughts on “Operation Clean Up : Linen Cupboard

  1. Libby, you are truly an inspiration! Scenario: I’m sitting in my kitchen with a cup of coffee and blog-hopping as I usually do early each morning. After looking at this post, I go back and read every Operation Clean-up post you’ve done so far. Then I look around my kitchen with new eyes, and in my mind I see myself going through the master bedroom, the livingroom, the study, you get the picture. I’ve had the desire for a long time, just not the motivation. If blogging about each clean-up will get me off my “bum” (as you would call it?) then whatever works! Thanks for the mental help. The problem now is, it’s Sunday and by the time I get home from church service and lunch out, I’ll need a nap. 🙂 Not to worry, you’ve really got me going now. All the way on the other side of the world…Liz

  2. Libby, what a difference between the two photos. And you really have only kept the essentials. Well done. But what are some of your clothes doing sitting in a container in there?

  3. It must be the season! I did our linen cupboard just the other day and salvaged a heap of drop sheets for our painting, labelled the edges of the shelves so kids grabbing clean sheets don’t unfold every QB fitted sheet before realising the singles are in another pile… I used to have a whole wall of linen cupboard and it stored everything. Here in our little old farmhouse I have only an old wardrobe with 4 shelves. It’s not as neat as yours though!

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