Christy’s stack

Poor Christy had a stack on her scooter coming home from school two days ago. She wasn’t too badly hurt and luckily was wearing her helmet, but she was rather shook up and was all concerned about the fact that a stranger bought her home. It was a Mum from school who knew me and both the girls (but not that well). When I first started letting her go to school on her own I worried what would happen if she fell off her bike or scooter but know there are plenty of Mum making their way home at the same time and I was confident someone would help her. I obviously wasn’t wrong and sometimes you just have to trust in human kindness.


Her knees are worse than they look in this photo but after icing them the bruising didn’t get too bad.


One of my first thoughts was “I’m glad school photos were last week!”

5 thoughts on “Christy’s stack

  1. Hope Christy’s scrapes and bruises are better soon. Things like that usually happen the day before school photos :0)

  2. Poor Christy…hope she is feeling better real soon. Byron recently had a “big stack” on his bike and he had skin off, bumps and bruises for a week (lucky, school photos were 3 weeks ago LOL)

  3. I had to laugh because I’ve never heard of a “big stack” before. Here in Canada, you have a “big stack” of pancakes LOL! 🙂

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