It was a beautiful Sunday here – definitely more Summer than Autumn. I started the day with what else but a cup of tea and a piece of banana cake :-). Everyone played on their computer until Amy decided she would make us breakfast. How lucky am I? It’s not even Mothers Day till next Sunday.
She made us scrambled eggs, tinned spaghetti and toast. Served on our special plates :-).
We had planned to go on a bike ride and have lunch out but at about 11am I started feeling icky in the stomach and a bit light-headed. I had some cruskits with cottage cheese to see if that helped.
It didn’t – so I tried some chocolate – thinking maybe some sugar might do the trick. It didn’t work either so we decided to stay in for the day.
I didn’t really feel like eating but made myself have a salad (featuring falafel and homemade hummus) around 2pm.
I did start to feel better which was good. I was able to enjoy some afternoon tea.
We put on Avatar to watch and the girls decided they wanted popcorn. I wasn’t go to have any (since I’d already had the above) but it smelled good so I had a little bowl.
Drizzled with a bit of melted butter…
We ended up having a late dinner. It was new recipe tonight – tofu & noodle stir-fry – which was a bit too fiddly for a Sunday night. Amy didn’t like it. I thought it was okay. Kevin really enjoyed it.
Made a cup of tea to have in bed with an orange chocolate bar.