Organic Delivery

Definitely had a good nights sleep so felt a lot better this morning. We were running rather behind this morning so I didn’t get my breakfast until after dropping the girls at school. On the menu today – banana on toast and a cup of tea.


I spent the morning getting the house all tidied and organised and in between worked on uploading photos to snapfish. Morning tea was tea and a couple of oatmeal and raisen cookies.


Lunch was a salad featuring egg.


Amy and I had to go into town this afternoon to buy dresses for my cousin’s wedding on Saturday – nothing like leaving it to the last minute. We were successful and stopped by Gloria Jeans on the way home where I got a Iced Chocolate.


When we got home my order from Doorstep Organics had arrived.


This will restock the fridge for sure.



Dinner tonight- pumpkin lasagne (dug out of the freezer) with corn, potato and cauliflower. Hmm.. it all looks very yellow :-).


Supper was a cup of tea and some ginger cream biscuits from the UK.