I took some time over the weekend to get my sorted and refocussed on what I want to get achieved each day. This includes not just stuff to do around the house, but what fun things I want to do (like scrapbooking) and how I want to feel about myself (eating healthy, getting in my exercise, dressing decent and putting on make-up even if I’m not leaving the house). In order to make this happen I reworked my daily routine.
I tried to be fairly detailed, esp with the time as this is where I’m really failing at the moment. I made to schedule in computer time – Amy thought it was a lot but if I stick to this I have 1.5 hours which I’m sure is a lot less than what I’ve been spending. I also need to work on not using the computer at night when Kevin is home as he’s been feeling a bit neglected. I’m sure having it all written in black (or in this case blue) and white and stuck on the fridge will help me stick to it. I also planned exercise and meal/snack breaks which hopefully keep me out of the kitchen in between :-). The basic premise is work in the morning, craft time after lunch, a few more chores after girls get home and then time with Kevin after dinner. I will give this new routine a go for a few weeks then make any chances that are required.
Amy also made up routines for herself and Christy which they have to complete in order to get some pocket money each week.
The next thing I needed to do in order to be organised for the week was do a menu plan.
At times I have done this monthly but usually find a weekly basis works best for me. I try to put in one or two new recipes each week and make sure to plan easy dinners on late nights or busy days.
I also took time to go over the detailed zone cleaning list (al la Flylady.net) – the last one I had was written a few years back when the girls had a lot more toys. Wish me luck getting back into my groove :-).
Libby – I think that is a wonderful idea!!!! I am a ‘schedule’ girl too so can completely relate 🙂
Funny you should post this as I have been working one one too .. mostly on chore charts for the girls to get them more involved in the day to day running of the household but also to stop the bickering when I ask them to do something! Good luck with it all!
good luck, libby! your plan sounds great! i do this from time to time, too, even if it’s a temporary “hold to it” … to get myself back on track with productivity/creativity. 🙂 cheers!
Great planning Libby. I have tried to be more organised with my time, especially with all my assignments and trying to fit everything in. It’s hard.
I made an excel spreadsheet and still trying to work out how to stick to it. My problem is during the week. I want to get more done (cleaning/washing etc) so my weekends are more free from doing all the boring stuff. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 x
This is SUCH a fantastic idea, I love it
I feel so much calmer when its all written down!!