Today Christy participated in a gala sports day (where they play teams from other local schools). I don’t get the best Mum award as I only went down to watch for 20mins (and she was waiting at the toilets for 10 of those minutes). But I had told her I wouldn’t be coming at all so she was pleased to see me. I remember Amy playing when she was about the same age. Funnily enough I don’t think playing standards have improved. More walking than running seems to take place and most of the girls jump of the way if the ball comes towards them :-).
I’m glad I made the effort and go and watch her for a bit. If I’d had more notice (than just last night) I probably would have stayed longer. But was good to see her participating in a team sport and getting in there and giving it a go.
How adorable does she look in those stripy socks?