Layouts and photos

Okay, I’m doing a combined post today about two classes I’m currently taking. The first is LOAD (layout a day). I’m really enjoying the challenges and so far have completed 3 out of the 3 days.

LOAD 1st Oct

LOAD - Day 2

LOAD- Day 3

The second class is Picture Spring. I actually bought this class 6 months ago and have been waiting for Spring to come along (in Australia) do the photo prompts. But this morning I got an e-mail to say that BPC are offering this class as a self paced class – meaning you can start at any time. So wish I’d know this was going to be an option as instead of the daily e-mail coming into my inbox I have to go check out the achieves to get my prompt for the day. And I’ve also already paid for Summer and Fall!!! Oh, well live and learn. Here are the photos so far.

Day 1 – Beginnings

Picture Spring - 1st Oct

Day 2 – part of morning routine (I’ve photographed my morning tea making so much I thought I’d do something different)

Picture Spring - 2nd Oct

Day 3 – 30 steps from where your camera lives

Picture Spring - 3rd Oct

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