It’s that time of year….

with just over 6 weeks to go and a couple of presents bought or ordered….it’s time to break out the Christmas planner.


When I was getting the planner out the Anthea Turner “The Perfect Christmas” fell out and almost hit me on the head :-). Totally forgot I had that book so I look forward to reading through it again.

I also discovered I hadn’t yet shared my Christmas note book with you so I decided to make a video. As you’ll see I had a bit of fun trying to work out how to show it to you – with everything being reversed in the camera :-).

Here are the resources I mentioned in the video.

Flylady  Holiday Control Journal (free)

Organized Christmas (free)

Cut the crazy out of Christmas (blog that accompanies paid class)

Get Organized for the holidays (paid class)

7 thoughts on “It’s that time of year….

  1. I Love this folder Libby.

    I don’t know why I haven’t thought of doing something like this myself. I have my Xmas craft all in one place and then my recipes in another cupboard, I can’t believe it never occurred to me to combine everything.

    Also, I made a Xmas gift list in October and then when I went to go Xmas shopping last week I couldn’t find it – so frustrating.

    I’m definitely making one of these today.

  2. Great notebook, Libby 🙂

    I actually downsized and now, instead of having a separate christmas notebook, I have a section in my day planner for it. It’s working well (so far). If I’m waiting somewhere for the kids, I can easily jot down ideas or whatever because I always have my day planner with me.

    Thanks for the link to the FlyLady Christmas journal. I didn’t know she had one!

  3. oooh thanks for sharing this!!! I am feeling pretty oragnised this year I must say. Although I am sure all of that will go out the window once we start our house move and my stress levels increase!!

  4. Just wanted to let you know I made a folder today. I hope you don’t mind if I write a post about it – giving full credit to you of course.

  5. Very useful post Libby! I will be making myself one of those notebooks…For sure! I have my recipes all written down on scraps of paper and I am forever losing them. Great way to keep me organised…Thankyou for sharing! x

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