Christy’s wardrobe

Last week Christy and I tackled her wardrobe. I cleaned out and sorted the shelves (while she played an online computer game with her friend) and later we went though her clothes and a tub of clothes handed down from Amy.

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We managed to find some pants (of Amy’s) to replace the ones she’s outgrown over the Summer. So at least her wardrobe contains clothes that fit her. And everything can now be easily found.

2 thoughts on “Christy’s wardrobe

  1. How great is it for Christy that she has a big sister to get hand me downs from. Good job with the clean out Libby. Feels good huh?

  2. That is the cleanest wardrobe ever!!

    Thought I’d better check out/follow everyone who is attending the AusBlogCon. Pop over to bigwords if you get a moment x

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