Some bloggy love


Not too much has been happening in our house this weekend so instead of boring you all I thought I’d share some of my newly discovered favourite blogs. I’m always amazed when I come across a new one that I REALLY love and wonder how I never knew it exited.

Super Organiser Mum is one such blog. She’s Australian and has the most beautiful organising style, and she scrapbooks. I subscribe in a reader, which is much easier to read than on her blog, but I promise you it’s worth checking out.

I Heart Organising is another fabulous blog. And Jen takes the most gorgeous photos.

A Bowl Full of Lemons – yet another wonderful organising blog.

Beauty … inside and out – Liz is a Youtube guru who blogs about beauty, makeup, healthy food and her life abroad in Spain. She is one inspiring young lady.

Anna Saccone – Another youtube beauty who blogs about makeup and gives great style advice.

My New Roots – a great resource for the most delicious looking vegan dishes. Can’t wait to try them ALL out.

Let me know what you think of them. What is your current favourite blog?

2 thoughts on “Some bloggy love

  1. Hi Libby, I follow lots of blogs, but given your move to mainly vegan eating I thought I’d mention FatFree Vegan Kitchen, Great recipes there.

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