Had an early start this morning as Kevin had to head up to Sydney to have a medical test. He had to be at the hospital before 7am which meant a 5.30am pick up. Unfortunately the babysitters (Nan & Pop) are away so we had to pay for a pickup. As he was up and about, I got out of the bed as he headed off. Sometime today I have to go pick him up – but I’m not sure when.
First up I let the dogs out, then settled down with a cup of tea and Iditarod updates – the glowing things are the dogs eyes at night.
Amy woke about 6.15am and Christy shortly after, so I went to have my shower and get ready for the day. I don’t usually have a shower quite so early – it was still dark. When I came downstairs Christy was having a foot spa – as you do before heading off to school :-).
I made her some toast and drove Amy to the bus stop.
I had my normal companion.
When I got back I prodded her to finish getting ready for school. I’ve been very unhappy with the girls of late – they haven’t been picking up after themselves and are misplacing LOTS of things. So this week they are banned from seeing the neighbours after school.
At 8.15am Christy headed off to school with Shantel…
carefully watched by some puppies to make sure I wasn’t going anywhere…
I got the second load of washing started. The weathers looking a bit dodgy today so some went in the dryer and some was hung on the mobile hanger so it could be put undercover.
Then time for some breakfast. Oops, forget to get a photo before I started eating. I then made a shopping list – not a lot to get this week…
and headed to the mall. First up the newsagents – where I got the latest (British) Country Homes & Interiors.
I then got my groceries, bread and fruit & veg and picked some some freshly made vegetable rice paper rolls to have for lunch.
Back home I collected the mail with my faithful helper.
Then discovered they had gotten so hungry while I was gone they ate the bird seed stick.
I’m pretty sure THIS one was the culprit.
I put away the groceries and emptied the dishwasher. Then it was time for a cup of tea while catching up on the race. My heel is sore again which makes for a good reason to hang out on the couch with my buddies.
As you can see Rosie has liked watching the Iditarod too :-).
Lunch was the delicious rice paper rolls.
And I did spend some time filling in notes and vaccination forms for the girls for school.
It was hard to get going on anything not knowing when I might have to head up to Sydney. I did end up doing some ironing. And then Kevin arrived at the front door. Apparently he had rung my mobile but it had been turned down and he didn’t leave a message. I was at home as it was just before lunch. Oh, well, it saved me a 3 hour drive but I do feel bad. I always tell my family to ring the home phone as I don’t carry my mobile around the house when I’m home. Poor thing has this tube into his stomach – he has to go back tomorrow to have it removed.
I made him a jaffle as he was hungry and sat with a cup of tea. At 3pm I went to pick Amy up from the bus stop. You-know-who came for the ride.
Christy arrived home shortly after and I cut up some watermelon for her to eat. At 4.30pm I took her to dance lessons. Not a great photos (taken with the zoom on the phone) of her doing Scottish Highland dancing.
Came back and shared some more rice paper rolls with Kevin. Amy had Emily over to play and I found them making a BIG mess with paint! Kids!
Then it was back out again to pick up Christy. Then it was home to make some dinner. I had planned for home-made pizza but Kevin didn’t feel like that. So I was going to make rissoto – but only had enough rice for one.
So I made that for Kevin, Amy made nachos, Christy had pasta and corn, and I had a bread roll and some of Kevin’s leftover rissoto :-). After dinner we settled down to watch some TV. Since Kevin was playing on the computer we watched Get your face on with Napoleon Perdis… while watching the GPS tracker. As you can see the leader just left the last main rest stop. In around 9-10 hours the winner with be in Nome.
At 8pm I took Christy to bed and we read the last chapter of Judy Moody. We’ve only got book 4 left to read so I’ll need to track down some more since we’re enjoying them so much. Just after 8.30pm we all headed to bed. The race should finish around 4am and I’m planning to get up to watch the live finish. Kevin suggested I take my laptop up so I can check on the race if I wake up during the night.
NOTE: I checked the race around 3am and saw that John Baker was definitely going to win and I was sooo tired so just decided to sleep in as long I could… which ended up being 6.15am!
You sure jam packed a lot into your day! And I hope Kevin feels better soon – that tube looks uncomfortable!
Hi Libby,
I Love, love,love the photos of your dogs. how could you ever get cranky with them -even if they do eat the bird seed?
I love chrisys lunch box, were did u buy it??