Packing for a long trip

Another day another video. But this video was actually filmed before our UK trip last year but I didn’t have time to post before we left and then I forgot all about it…. until I started to think about packing for this trip. This is basically a review for the Eagle Creek pack-it system – which I LOVE – but you could use the same principle with snap locks bags to keep like items with like.


My biggest hint for packing if you have reasonable access to a washing machine or laundry service – pack only 4 outfits (days clothes)  for each season. Some items you will be able to mix and match and wear more than once but otherwise be prepared to wash every 4 days. I  make sure that every items goes with at least 2 other items, more if possible. And I try to convert day outfits into night outfits – maybe changing to dressier pants or adding a smart jacket or scarf and wearing dressy shoes (only take one pair of dress shoes). If you want more packing hints be sure to check out this post I wrote last year.

3 thoughts on “Packing for a long trip

  1. Hi Libby

    How exciting that you’re thinking about packing for your next trip. I have learnt so much from you from your travel ventures. I love the idea of the Eagle Creek pack it system. Can I ask firstly where you purchased these from. Also can you give me an idea on the Eagle Creek items that you purchased (and size). This would be perfect for me. After having just got back from Phuket with my family and all of us taking way too much clothes/shoes, I could certainly take a leaf out of your book. Thanks Jackie

  2. you know Libby, this whole organising / decluttering lark could be a good business venture for you…. it seems like something you’re drawn to and have an intuitive knack for.

    Maybe a potential money-earner to fund future far away travels!

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