This week saw me make huge piles of tissues wherever I went…
I’ve been feeling horrible all week – runny nose, body aches and pains, sinus headaches and finally a chesty cough :-(. Luckily Tuesday was one of my better day as I had to renew my license. I think this photo is just a “little” better than the one from 5 years ago :-). Wish I’d known I could smile (was thinking it was the same as passport photos).
This week also saw Amy out of action….
which meant lots of time hanging out on the new lounge…not that the pups seemed to mind…
This week I only managed to take the dogs out on Monday. They did take the opportunity to lie out on the sun a few times….
This week there was lots of easy, comfort food made and consumed… including a lovely cottage pie made with Quorn (which we all loved)…
and Amy & I enjoyed an Indian Lunch on Tuesday which we bought while out shopping in town (our only trip out all week)….
It was the week I received an invitation to my second cousins 1st Birthday party. I haven’t even met the little cutie yet so I’m really looking forward it.
This week I took a photo of the Smurf movie poster for Christy as she is VERY excited about the movie (having watched all the TV episodes MANY times)…it was in a men’s clothing store which I thought I bit odd…
Sick week culminated in a marathon movie weekend – with all of us settling in to watch 5 Harry Potter movies over the weekend…and we watched most of no.6 as well. It’s the first time for Christy watching beyond the first 2 and she’s enjoying them – and not scared (which is the reason I haven’t let her watch them before now).
This week there were lots of cute puppies on the couch moments but I’ll just share 2. Bailey…
Hoping to get over this VERY soon. It’s been 1.5 weeks and I’ve had enough. I want to get back into getting the house organised (while my feet are so good) and back to regular blogging. And Amy & I have the Enrique Iglesias concert to be 100% for on Saturday night.