This week saw a VERY early morning start with a drive to Penrith….
to watch Christy compete with her school team for the Futsal State Championships…
This week saw me pack a HUGE cooler full of food to get Christy and I through the day at Penrith…
It was census week…Kevin completed it online…
It was the week the kitchen got a really good clean …on the outside…still need to do the cupboards….
It was the week I bought myself this cute little elephant. Love him and was even more pleased when I found out he was Fair Trade (and was $15 dearer at the zoo!)
It was the week of crazy clouds..
and, of course, the week we welcomed Kasumi into our home..
and went to the zoo…
It was the week I FINALLY got my new car…. yay…
It was the week we had takeaway noodles….
and homemade pizza…
It was the week the pups got some new toys.. we bought 3 so they didn’t fight over the one toy and because Rosie 2-toy likes to have 2 to herself…
It was also the week that ended in a bad sinus infection and trip to the doctors for me. And, the week where I lost 1.5kg at my first Weight Watchers weigh in :-).
oooh I love that elephant!
Love the doggy photo xx
well done on the weight loss, make sure you take some before photos before you lose too much 🙂
Hi Libby,
It’s lovely to find your blog. I’m Rose from the Illawarra blogging at
I’m doing Heather’s course too and thought it would be fun to link the Aussies in an email group. If you like the idea, would you email me at
Well done Libby! Excellent weight loss – keep up the good work 🙂