We had a leisurely start as you do on holidays. We had some spaghetti on toast for breakfast then headed back into Canberra Central for more shopping.
A highlight would have to be Crate and Barrel, which we don’t have anywhere nearby. Luckily really. Loved the little carts they had, not that I fitted in everything I bought. I left the store with 3 large bags – some presents, but most for me :-).
Kevin actually got some things today – from the ABC shop and from a tea shop.
Lunch today was from Sumo Salad.
We went back to the apartment when my feet were too sore and we’d been to all the shops. We intended to have a bit of a relax but the cleaners turned up so we left again and headed out to Gold Creek. This part was all new since I’d last been here. Since we were early to meet Lisa, we checked out some more shops, and bought a few things for the girls.
We met Lisa at Adore Teashop, where we chatted and enjoyed tea. I had scones with jam…and a bit of cream (not quite enough for 2 scones 🙁 )
and Lisa had this yummy looking cake – I tried a bit and it was nice.
It was a brief catch up but lovely none-the-less. Lisa looks wonderful with her little baby bump (which you can’t really see in the photos) and so radiant.
But she was very naughty and bought me a little Christmas gift – which I’m not allowed to open until Christmas :-(.
After saying our goodbye we visited the shop and I scored a few more goodies, and bought some of the Devonshire Cream tea that I’d enjoyed.
We headed back to the apartment where I spent the remainder of the evening catching up on youtube video (and I’m finally ALL caught up) as there were no worthwhile movies to watch. For dinner we had Pie Face which we’d bought earlier at the shops.
I know we seem have done a lot of shopping, and eating, but we’ve definitely focused on shops and eating places that we don’t have at home or nearby :-).
Was so very wonderful to catch up with you!!