It’s been a fairly uneventful year I guess. I turned 40, traveled to Alaska and Fiji, suffered from bad arthritis and a heal spur and generally feel happy with my life. I don’t however feel as I have achieved very much – especially with personal goals….
Develop crochet and sewing skills NO
Complete Project life – new kit just arrived NO But working on it
Develop photography skills NO
Master basic digital scrapbooking (and possibly do digital album for our Alaska trip) NO
Make a list of (non-Romance) books I have to read and work my way through the list NO
Feel great about myself when I turn 40 in June NO
Try to find some way to get involved in Amy’s high school NO
Have more baths (once a week would be great) YES!!!! Especially since discovering Lush
Have a full body massage (never felt comfortable enough to do this) NO
Follow Weight Watchers and attend meetings every week (where possible) YES for a while…..
Maintain regular (2-3 times a week) RCR workouts NO
Start the Coach to 5K running program NO
If complete above – look into doing a 5K race NO
Continue to experiment in the kitchen by trying new recipes Sort of
Help Christy to improve her eating YES (but not very successfully)
Work out new household routine and incorporate zone cleaning each week NO
Declutter (again) both the garage and sewing room and keep them organised KIND OF – did garage but sewing room still needs work (again)
Revise budget and actually stick to it (was doing well up until a few months ago) NO – same as last year
Hope the girls to develop, and stick with, their own routines NO – still trying
Make more time for real life friends YES
Try to make at least one new real life friend (our social set is dropping every year) NO
Meet at least 2 bloggy friends (have 3 probables at this stage ) YES – Paola, Vanessa and Brenda
Monthly day out with Mum NO
Weekly family movie night YES
Monthly family fun day NO
Time reading with Christy most days YES