Keeping Organised with Notebooks


I think it’s safe to say I have a bit of a notebook obsession. The above stack is my unused pile. Even with so much being done on my computer these days I still resort to pen and paper for a lot of organisation and note taking. And while I love filofaxes and paper diaries, I haven’t used one in years. These days I make do with a wall calender and my google calender.


Above is the current pile of notebooks I’m using. The main one I use every day is my food diary. I find it good for health and weight reasons to know what I’m eating. That way if my arthritis flares up or I gain weight I can see what I might be doing wrong…. and fix it.

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The other one I use every day is my to-do notebook. I love being able to cross things off when they’re done. I’ve tried using the computer and phone for the job but I find paper that much easier and quicker. Plus I love that I can keep a record of what I’ve accomplished. And sometimes it’s handy to look back and see when something was done.

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Then there is my trip planning notebook… where I make notes related to our trip…

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It’s a little on the small side and I was thinking of switching to a bigger notebook when I spotted this one. Doesn’t it just scream “Disney”?


Before discovering evernote I used to have a book for online recipes… of course, some are still in here….


The last big notebook I’ve had for a few years now and use it for anything I want to keep a record off – menu plans, packing lists, bookings, etc.


Lastly I have a few small notebooks on hand – one is kept in my handbag for notetaking on the go, another resides in our coffee table and we make notes about movies and TV shows we have to watch.

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What about you? Do you still use notebooks for planning and organisation?

7 thoughts on “Keeping Organised with Notebooks

  1. Oh I love notebooks and I have to make lists. One of my jobs when I finished school was working in an office supply shop, absolute heaven. I cant survive without lists, went to Ikea last weekend and even had a list printed off their website so I could spend the least amount of time in there.

  2. After I got my smartphone I started using it exclusively to jot down my notes, but then I realized I can’t do things like draw sketches or diagrams of projects when inspiration hits. I ended up going out and buying a small notebook that I carry with me everywhere. I’ve found that overall I enjoy actually writing with pen on paper rather than typing into my phone. Call me old school…

  3. dont you just love the accomplishment of crossing of something on the to-do list and the thrill when you’ve crossed off the whole list !!! lol !

  4. I love notebooks. I keep a lot of info in my Iphone but I still love the feeling of crossing things off my list as I do them.

  5. Yep I am another notebook user. Love them and have a drawer full of ones not used as yet. I have them all for all different reasons too.

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