We’ve decided to reinstate our family day out on Sundays when possible. Today we got to celebrate Nan & Pop’s 45th Wedding Anniversary with lunch out at Cronulla. It was a gorgeous day for the drive up to Sydney. We stopped at Miranda on the way up to buy some Summer shoes for Christy. She scored 4 pairs and is now all set.
Lunch was at the RSL We had a bit of trouble finding parking and ended up with a bit of walk back to the club.
But it was worth it. Check out the view we enjoyed while having lunch.
Here we are all together with Granny, Auntie Robyn, Uncle Brain and cousin Fiona. So great to catch up with them. Seems to be a long time since I’ve seen them.
Of course I had to get some people photos. And here’s a photo with Kevin actually smiling :-).
With my Aunt and cousin.
Nan, Pop & Christy. I can’t believe my parents have been married for 45 years. That’s so awesome.
Not only was the view and company fantastic, but so was the meal. I had a mushroom stirfry which was delicious.
Talk about lunch with a view.
For desert I indulged in a berry souffle. Yummy, but I didn’t manage to finish it.
Finishing off with tea.
We didn’t arrive home until 5pm. It was a lovely family day out, and a nice last day of the school holidays.