One thought on “When pigs fly

  1. Oh my goodness Libby, thank you so much for uploading this video. It made me sick to the pit of my stomach. I cried. I knew and had seen images of chickens in factory farms before. I had heard about pigs in tiny pens that they couldn’t even turn around in, but had never actually seen any images. It was totally disgusting and sickening. As a family we do eat meat, but only a very small amount each week. Only free range chicken and outdoor bred pork. The only reason we eat that is because I just don’t know enough about being vegetarian. I tried being vegetarian when I was a teenager, but found I wasn’t getting enough protein and was always very tired. Both children are huge animal lovers along with me. We have talked many times about going vegetarian. I have actually been thinking for weeks about emailing you and asking how you go about the vegetarian diet to make sure you all get the correct and right amount of nutrients. I have tried lentils before with no success. If you could do a blog post on how you go about vegetarian meals and school lunches, that would be brilliant. I signed the pledge to go meat free. I also uploaded the video to facebook, so hopefully it will make at least one other person want to stop this cruel and inhumane practice. Thank you Libby.

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