Review of 2012 Goals


It’s been a pretty good year. I turned 41, celebrated 20 years of marriage and had a wonderful trip to the USA/Caribbean. I’ve had ups and downs as my girls enter the teenage/tween years and our family lifestyle/homelife evolves as a result. I also suffered for quite a few months with very bad arthritis before making changes to my diet and reducing my pain levels considerably.


Make time for hobbies that I truly enjoy  NOT REALLY

Have more quiet time – relaxing in sun, sitting on beach, having baths, walking (when able)  YES

Read and review at least one book a month (romances not included :-)YES (would average out)

Sort out all our home movies and put them into iMovie   MADE A START

Plan a wonderful trip to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary in Dec  YES

Possibly try horse-riding (haven’t been since I was a teen) and scuba diving (had a panic attack last time)   NO

Complete ALL online classes that I sign up for  NO BIG FAIL ON THIS ONE



Tackle my weight gain once and for all  NO 🙁  (But I did lose about 8 kgs)

Remove all junk/over processed food from the house  YES (not that you’d know it post Christmas)

Simplify the way we eat – healthy, wholesome, homemade food, fruit & veg for snacks, make treats really treats   PROGRESS

Work out more simplified exercise routine including yoga, cardio and weights.  KIND OF

Try a different type of exercise – eg swimming, aqua-aerobics   NO



Simplify homemaking routines – currently trying Speed Cleaning approach with a couple rooms per day.  NEED TO WORK ON

Revise budget and stick to it     PARTLY

Help the girls to develop, and stick with, their own routines   NO

Reorganise the spare room (again). Going to make it MY room for nail polish, exercise stuff, sewing, etc.   STARTED



Meet at least 1 new online friend – I LOVE this aspect of blogging  NO (not that I can recall)

Monthly day out with Mum   NO

Weekly Family Movie Night (Sat)   MOSTLY

Weekly Family Documentary Night (Sun)  NO

Monthly Family Fun Day Out   YES

Invite a friend over at least once a month  NO

Organise craft weekend for my friends  NO

Have a weekend away with family every other month  NO


Certainly a mixed result this year with more NO’s than YES’s and very little success in the family/friends category :-(.

How did you go with your goals/resolutions for 2012?

Posted in ME

2 thoughts on “Review of 2012 Goals

  1. Well Libby…we will just have to work on that last category!!! And you must get to craft camp in 2013 🙂

  2. great list, I’m going to pinch this one 🙂 I agree with Jody, we can both help you cross off some of the last list 🙂

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