Awake around 5.30pm. Tea in a different teapot since I broke my other one.
Watched YouTube. Have bad arthritis pain and no pain meds left so no walk (plus it’s cold and drizzly out) but there are cuddles with Bailey.
Kevin come down and waits for Amy to be ready before they head off.
I then head upstairs to make the bed, collect the dirty washing and have my shower.
As you can see it’s pretty yuck out there.
Downstairs I find Christy making French toast for us for breakfast.
She had planned to ride with a friend but since it was rainy I drove her to school. Check out all the cockatoos on the wires.
After drop off I go to the local chemist to get my pain meds.
Back home put the washing in the dryer and hang up a few items.
I then spent about 10mins and got my desk tidy (again).
Next up was collecting the egss and turfing Mama chook (who is still broody) out of the chook house (so she can get some food and water)
I’ve missed baking since going sugar free so tried to make a sugar free cake. Unfortunately it was a BIG flop.
I’m wanting to get back to my scrapbooking and project life so I thought I’d best tidy my work space first.
I then made myself a salad for lunch.
Then worked on Project Life.
And changed out some photo frames. Our family has changed just a little bit since 2007 🙂
At 3pm I went and picked up Amy, then Christy and her friend. I dropped the younger two off at her friends house as Christy was going for a sleepover.
Back home I had a bowl of lentil soup, then worked on my Foodie Friday blog post.
I got a phone call from Christy saying she had forgot to pack her underpants so I had to drop them around. As you can see it has turned out a nice afternoon.
Bailey had fun meeting the friends dog.
Home again it was time for the puppies worm and flea treatment. As you can see Bailey is very keen. Rosie not so much as she hates the flea treatment.
Dinner time.
Since it was just the 3 of us I opted for an easy dinner of vol a vents with leftover Quorn bolognase sauce, and a dollop of heart shaped sour cream.
I then changed into my jammies and got settled on the couch for some Doctor Who.
Later we enjoyed some berries.
With some whipped cream. I only ended up eating half of mine.
Kevin and Amy (who had fallen sleep on the couch) headed up to bed around 8.30pm but I stayed up and ended up watching Push Girls – which was rather interesting, while munching on some popcorn.
I head to bed around 9.30pm and read blogs on my i-pad for a bit before going to sleep.
Hi Libby,
I just wanted to tell you again ow much I enjoy your blog of life down under! Thanks for sharing. Have you started scrapbooking your Disney trip yet? When you do I ope you will share some pictures, I’d love to see your layouts.
Have a Happy Day,
I should have read my post before I sent it. I seemed to have not pushed the H key hard enough. I have so much trouble with this new IPAD. Lol sorry.
Haven’t seen Push Girls, but watched all the first season of Curvy Girls the other day.
Think you’d enjoy the fashions and the peek into plus size modelling 🙂
Great day! Do you have any trouble commenting on blogs while on the iPad or does it depend on what type it is? Are you doing Project Life this year? I am although I haven’t got my kit yet, am waiting to see what goodies – if any – will end up in Aussie shops now she has partnered with American Crafts.