We gained an extra hours sleep last night but it was still hard getting up. Kevin had set the alarm – lucky since it was what woke us both us up, just as we were arriving into Port Limon in Costa Rica. We had room service for breakfast out on our balcony. Kevin had some cereal and I had a bagel.
Luckily we had taken wet weather gear with us as by the time we got some water from Windjammers and went down to deck 2 it had started pouring down. Hence the reason there are no photos of us on the dock. We walked as fast as we could, trying to stay as dry as we could (Kevin did vlog on his phone) to meet our guide for the day. Luckily he was there so it was straight onto the bus. And about 5mins later everyone (group of 11) was onboard and we were on our way. Of course, by now the rain had stopped.
On the way to our first stop our driver spotted some Howler Monkey’s and pulled over so we could get out to see them. It was so awesome to see monkey’s in the WILD.

Then it was on our way to our rainforest walk.

Amazingly it didn’t take long for our guide to spot our first Sloth. It was so exciting getting to see one. They are up pretty high in the trees but with my video camera I was able to zoom in and get up nice and close.

We ended up seeing a few sloths – both 2 toe and 3 toe. It was so incredible to watch them moving around and eating leaves.
We were also lucky enough to see quite a lot of other animals.
There were also amazing leaf cutter ants. And a spider.

The walk was along a boardwalk and track right beside the ocean in a super pretty location.
Our walk took about 45mins. It was hot out and I was a big sweaty mess, so though I had loved every minute I was happy to back in the air conditioned bus.
Our next stop was for some lunch of typical Costa Rican fare. The servings were huge so Kevin & I decided to share a plate. Rice and beans are standard fare here so I was happy. We sat with 2 other people from the cruise/tour and had a nice chat.

After lunch we went on a cruise on the canals.

We spotted more sloths….

And more monkeys….

And quite a few birds and other animals.

After the cruise we were given some lovely cold fruit. Shame about the short use plastic but it was very appreciated in this hot, humid weather. I spend much of the day dripping sweat !!

From here it was back on the bus and back to the cruise terminal. Though we’d had a great day and I was so happy to have seen sloths, we were both pretty hot and tired. It was good to just put our feet up for a bit.

Unfortunately things haven’t gone well between Makayla and Christy – the result of which is Christy is flying home early so Kevin and myself spent quite a bit of time trying to sort out her new flights home. This meant we missed dinner in the dining room and had to go to Windjammers instead. Since Windjammers is just two floors above us we always take the stairs up and down.

After we headed back to room and Kevin took a couple of lovely night shot outside.

Sorry to hear that things haven’t turned out well for Christy.
How cool that you got to see lots of sloths and monkeys.
Such wonderful memories that you are always able to capture.
Your photos are wonderful! Thanks for sharing and taking us on this journey with you!