Kevin and I both had a pretty rough night. So glad of the bath in this room – it’s been very well used by both of us.

Our symptoms now suggested this may in fact be covid so Kevin decided to walk across the road to Walgreens and get some tests. His came back negative but mine was a definite YES.

Kevin had also pick up a few supplies, like this mega sized bag of 200 cough drops – never seen anything like it before !!

The day was spent just like the previous two. Kevin, being a bit behind me, slept much of the day. I mostly read. My throat was VERY sore and swallowing is very painful and talking challenging. Neither of us had any appetite so just tried to have a few little snacks so our body had some fuel.

The best part of the day would have to be this lovely sunset.

Around 9pm I actually felt like I might be hungry so I made up a little portion of last nights leftovers – some rice, orange chicken and veggies from my soup. Sadly I had to eat it cold but it was still enjoyable.