I woke up around 6am today in quite a bit of fibro pain. We were supposed to leave at 8am but instead left at 20 past – which wasn’t too bad considering I’d need more time to get up and moving.

The only problem was this meant we arrived after early entry so had shortish line to enter the park. We had no DAS passes until 11am so got one booked as soon as we entered the park. Luckily the wait for Rock n Roller coaster was only showing 20mins so we did standby for that. Turned out to be basically a walk on for the preshow with a short wait for the actual ride. This was always my fav ride and it’s definitely still up there. So fun. And so smooth – my head didn’t even get shaken around.

We still had a good half hour until our DAS pass for Tower of Terror so we looked through some of my stores at WDW. And like every other time I made some purchases – including a Mickey t-shirt and my ears for this trip – which are Tiana themed.
We then headed back to Tower of Terror. Of course Christy had to get a photo since she was wearing her new Tower of Terror ears.

While waiting we came across Goofy who was posing for photos with guests. I love how they have kept the random character sightings/interactions going post covid.

A fun ride but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I remember doing on previous trips. Kevin and I decided we are now more into longer rides – with more storytelling. Probably an age thing I’m guessing :-).

We wandered back to the main central Hollywood area and came across Chip & Dale having a picnic. So cute !!

We found somewhere to sit while we waited for our next DAS. Kevin was kind enough to go and get some popcorn – which Christy and I quickly demolished. I’d forgotten just how good Disney popcorn is !!!
We had our advance DAS for the Frozen singalong – which was definitely not needed (but there had been little to choose from at the time we did our DAS bookings). We had about a 10min wait before we were let into the venue. Once again this was super fun – though I didn’t remember many of lyrics. The Arendale Historians weren’t quite as funny as the last time we’d seen this (6 years ago) but it was still very good and very witty.

On our way over to Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway, Kevin got himself a shimmer & glimmer Churros – which he enjoyed.

Mickey & Minnie’s was super fun again. Love that there is actually attraction for them finally.

We were going to get lunch from the ABC Commisionary but decided on going through to Galaxy’s Edges Ronto Roaster so I could get the Zuchi wrap and Kevin could get another ronto wrap (though he believes this lunchtime one had extra meat compared to his breakfast one). Kevin liked that he could pack half of it away in a container to finish later. I ate all of mine and it was delicious – though messy and slightly spicy. Would definitely have again though. Such a contrast to our first trips to Disney back in the 1990s when all you basically got was burgers and fried chicken !! We found a table and were able to sit and enjoy our food.

Kevin got himself a fancy drink from Docking Bay 7….

We stopped by the toilets – where the theming continues…

before getting a few more photos taken.

Lastly DAS for today was for Toy Story Mania. I enjoyed playing this more than expected. But poor Kevin was feeling unwell by the end of it. Kevin still managed to win, followed by Christy, then me.

Our final to-do for today was to visit Walt Disney : One Man’s Dream. I’ve really enjoyed this little exhibit before but after visiting the Disney Museum in San Francisco I kinda feel like we knew most of the stuff about Walk. It’s always good to see the models though.

And special things like clothes from the movie Disenchanted (which we have yet to see).

One more stop on the way out for Christy to buy a Bambi loungefly bag that she had eyed earlier.
But just as we were about to leave the park we heard there was a parade coming. So we took a sweet on the curb thinking what perfect timing… only for this to really be a calvacade – since it was a parade of 2 !!! Still we didn’t wait for it so that was good.
Christy went off the toilet as Kevin strode off away from me. I called out to him but he exited the park before turning around to see where we were. The staff wouldn’t just him come him so he had to walk over to the entrance (only a few meters away) and re-enter the park to wait with me for Christy.
Time to leave the park and catched the skyrail back to the Riviera, arriving in our room around 3.30pm. I was very keen for a cup of tea, which I enjoyed with some bickies.
We did debate going for a swim but both Kevin and I myself ending up taking baths (I hope the bathroom in our new apartment is as nice as this one). Tonight we had some vegan chick’n pies (from the freezer) that were delicious, while we watched YouTube.