I was awake by 8am this morning and though I missed the sunrise (as I have most days) it was still very pretty when I got up.

Unfortunately I had plenty of fibro pain this morning but luckily we had no plans until late in the afternoon. Kevin & I already decided not to go to Hollywood Studio this morning as planned. Christy still headed off though for her first proper solo trip of the holiday.
Kevin went for a bath mid-morning and I had one after him. It did help with my pain but I also took some extra pain meds. The bath is being very well used by all of us and is so luxurious. I finally managed to finish my book while I was in the bath. Because I keep falling asleep after just a few mins, it’s taken me 10 days to read this book – and it is a good one !!
Shortly before 12pm the forecast rain arrived. Definitely a good afternoon to be snuggled up inside – though it actually still warm out. Kevin and I were still hanging out in bed, with me trying to write up 2 days of blog posts.

Christy arrived back around 1.30pm slightly damp but having managed to avoid the heavier rain. For lunch I made Kevin and I a yummy salad – with the salad I had bought from Wholefoods the other day and some other things that we had. Kevin is never keen when I suggest salad but then always says I make a good one.

I still wasn’t feeling great but eventually got ready to head to our second Christmas Party. I took some more pain meds which thankfully worked (and I was actually pretty good all night). Kevin ended up having some last minute work to do, then Christy rang Nan & Pop and then Kevin had to ring our vets (to try and get some more pain meds for Bailey, then finally were out the door about 5.45pm. So though we were later than planned we were still early for the party (which officially starts at 7pm).
After our short 6 min walk we were in the gates and back into the Magic Kingdom. Being a bit later most of the day crowd seemed to have left. We made our way over to Pirates, which was straight walk on. We managed to get the front row – which is definitely the best way to see the ride.

We picked up cookies (and eggnog for Kevin) and headed to was Big Mountain Railway – so fun to experience this at night.

On way over to the Haunted Mansion we came across some the Jamboree Bears having a dance. It’s always fun to stumble across something unexpected like this.

We stopped by Columbia House for cookies and hot chocolate and found a dry seat to have a little rest while Christy drank the hot chocolate. Kevin & I were way too hot, steamy and sweaty to want something warm to drink. With the grounds so wet from all the rain it was really humid.
The Haunted Mansion had an expected wait time of 20min but it was straight walk on. Who on earth does the wait times these days? They are very rarely right.

After another photopass photo (we’ve made such good use of these) . And I was super excited to spot the Rapunzel lantern photo spot as I’ve been wanting one of these photos.

We then went on It’s a Small World – which was again a walk on. We requested front row and ended up with an entire boat to ourselves – which is the perfect way to experience this ride – though Christy did talk a lot throughout the ride !!

With the wait times so often wrong we decided to do Peter Pans Flight with a 20min wait time. This was during the time of the 1st parade so Fantasy Land was fairly empty. The line goes through The Darling home – which I don’t recall ever seeing before so that was nice. The wait time ended up being just over 20mins (which is a lot less than the usual 60min + that this ride always tends to be even on a party night). It’s a cute ride but we don’t understand who would wait this long for it !

After Peter Pan we collected some more cookies and hot chocolate (Kevin had one this time) from Pinocchio’s – which is one of the cutest places to eat. We stopped for another rest.

It was nearly 10pm now so while people were waiting for the fireworks show we thought it would be good to try and meet the Pooh gang – which was one of the things I wanted to do at the party. Along the way we saw Aurora and her Prince dancing while waiting for the next guest for photos. Another cute moment.

As we approached the Pooh photo area they were all just leaving for a break. Knowing they would be back in about 5 mins we got in the short line just as the fireworks started – so we were able to enjoy a mini fireworks show (of the ones we could see) while we waited.

Then it was our time to meet the gang. First up a cuddle with all of them and then a photo. They are all cute dressed in their Winter scarves.

Of course we then had to go on the Winnie the Pooh ride (with no wait).

I nearly always get something in the ride gift shop and tonight was no exception – I got some cute summer jammies.
Then another item on my list. We haven’t been on Autopia (I think that’s what it’s called) since the kids were young but in 2019 I’d seen it had Christmas lights so I wanted to go on it. While waiting we got a glimpse of Tron testing – looks so cool at night. Just as we were about to get into our car it started raining harder so we debated whether to stay or get out of the rain. Kevin felt the rain wouldn’t get any heavier so we got into our car. And honestly within minutes it has stopped completely. Kevin found the car very hard to steer so just ended up letting it bounce around on it’s track.

We stopped by another cookie place – this time getting ginger cookies – Kevin asked for an extra one and was given two more. Time to ride the peoplemover again. Such a better experience when I’m not in pain.

It was after 11pm now and time for our last ride of the right – Space Mountain. However, I forgotten just how long the walk to and from the ride is so we’ve decided to remove this from our riding list in the future. It was fun to do with Rock Christmas Music and lights but we all agreed Guardians is similar and so much better.

Time to leave and thankfully the parade was still going so we were able to make our way down Main Street behind all the people watching the parade.

As we were on our way out we noticed that meet Mickey only had a 5 min wait. So we decided to do that, which was the perfect way to end a very special evening. Mickey was so cute escorting Christy to put her bag down, giving us all a nice big hug , laughing when I didn’t get his motions about Christy’s tower or terror ears and on the way out he grabbed my hand and kissed it. What a sweetie !!! Such a great meet & greet.

As we exited we saw the parade was still going (though almost finished) and we were able to leave the park ahead of the crowds. Not long after we were back in our room. Even though it was almost midnight I enjoy some chips/crisps and cold drink while we watched just ONE video on YouTube. I then started on my new (Christmas) book and at 1pm it was time to go to sleep.