A bit of a sleep in again this morning but I didn’t miss the sunrise as it was a bit cloudy today. And in case you were wondering about the eggs and the ugly chicken – here it is in all it’s glory (one eye and all).

Unfortunately Amy started complaining of a sore ear yesterday afternoon so we went to the medical center (right downstairs) when they opened at 9am. As we expected she has an ear infection.

Then it was off to Pacific Fair for some fun girly shopping. First stop was Colette – have seen this shop before but we loved it.

Then Peter Alexander…

where Amy got some new PJs and Christy got some cute slippers.

There was also Esprit; Bed, Bath & Table (more Easter goodies); L’occitane (for a restock of skin care product – also scored LOTS of freebies); and the girls visited Diva. Then it was back to the car to drop off all our bags.

Then it was time for our date with Justin Bieber.

I didn’t know at lot about Justin Bieber. In fact, when I first heard about him and Amy told me the song he sung I was surprised because I had thought it was sung by a girl :-). Anyway, the movie really was fabulous. The boy really has got talent and has worked hard for his success. At this stage he still seems like a real nice kid so it will be interesting to see how fame effects him. So wouldn’t wish his life on anyway – fabulous as some parts would be, so many obsessive fans would have be very daunting, and a little frightening. The girls enjoyed the movie too and while Amy was already a fan, Justin acquired two more fans today :-).
Then it was time for some shopping. You know I was excited when I spotted this :-).

Christy and I both scored some new crocs.

Then time for a late lunch – it was 3pm. I always go to a great salad place here but it was closed. My sadness disappeared when I spotted Salsa’s.

Amy and I shared the vegetarian tacos and cheese quesidillas. Both were so yummy.

More shopping – trying to get Winter clothes for both the girls. We didn’t buy the ear muffs for Christy, cute as they were…

but we did buy this for Justin’s newest fan :-).

We finally left just on 5.30pm and got to see a rainbow and a lovely sunset. It was a great day but Amy was a bit hormonal and Christy grumpy at times so it was a bit up and down. And I did not expect us to be gone ALL day so we were all complaining of sore feet.

After resting my feet for a bit I prepared a quick and easy dinner of pasta with a bought tomato sauce.

Later we enjoyed some ice cream while watching Matilda – one the girls favourite movies.
Tomorrow : An easier day (I hope) – packing, swimming and maybe a short to Sea World.