Again I woke in time to see the sunrise and again I was feeling too fibro sore to go outside and film a timelapse. I ended up playing on my laptop for a bit and then writing up yesterdays blog post.
Christy had started feeling unwell with a sore throat last night and when she woke up around 8am she was not feeling good (and looked even worse). Not good when she’s got to travel home later today. Instead of going to the Animal Kingdom this morning she took my advice and stayed in for a easy morning. Even better she managed to go back to sleep (after having had a rough night) for a few hours.

I had a lovely relaxing time reading in the bath, before getting dressed and doing some animal watching. Kevin also went back to sleep.

When I woke Christy and Kevin up at 12.30pm so they could get ready to leave around 1pm, Christy realized her flight wasn’t until 5.30pm !!! We all had flight changes before our travel date but Christy never passed this one to me. Luckily it didn’t matter too much since I wasn’t having a great day anyway and was in quite a bit of fibro pain. Throughout the morning and early afternoon we’d look outside and see different animals eating the hay that had been left in the morning.

I think these two might have been siblings as they started what I assume was play flighting as it didn’t seem aggressive at all and they wandered off together at the end. It was so cool to see this.

What had planned to leave for the airport at 3pm but Christy’s slow packing (due to not feeling good) meant it was more like 3.15pm. No problem we thought until we got the airport and were stuck in traffic to get to terminal B for over 20mins. It was crazy. And it turns out all the traffic was for pick up not departures but unless you knew your way around the airport you were stuck, like we were. We finally made to the American Airlines pick up area around 4.20pm (still over an hour before departure). We said our farewells to Christy and started the 40min drive back to the resort. We had planned to go the Animal Kingdom for a few house but it was no so late it wasn’t really worth the effort. We should be able to do everything we want tomorrow.

We decided since we now had a free evening that we’d go and get the last of the groceries we should need. We went to Publix again – this time to one near our resort.

While we were doing our shopping we got a text from Christy that she might not make her plane (since she’d had to wait for wheelchair assistance due to feeling dizzy. A little while later we got the confirmation that she had missed her flight to LAX (and therefore her flight to Sydney as there were no alternative flights available). She got rebooked for tomorrow. We we left publix we realized it was now dark and Kevin’s eyes still aren’t the best for driving at night. Add in unfamiliar, wet roads and it was not a suitable for him to drive back (80min+) to the airport so we returned home and Christy organised an uber. Her checked baggage is somewhere – either still at MCO or winging it’s way to LAX or SYD.
Kevin put the groceries away and we decided on some Gardein chick’n tenders and premade mashed potatoes for dinner – which was very yummy. We watched some YouTube until Christy arrived back at the resort. Then it was time for some reading and off to sleep around 9-9.30pm.