Feeling blah

I still felt very blah when I woke up this morning so reluctantly I gave any up on any thoughts of an early morning walk. Instead I cuddled with my pup, eventually getting up for a cup of tea, some cruskits with spreadable cheese and my laptop.


We were able to have a slow morning as the girls had a 10.15am doctors appointment and didn’t have to race off to school. I had the breakfast cookie in the fridge ready to eat but I wasn’t feeling it this morning. Luckily Kevin had been given some garden fresh spinach so I was able to make a nutritious green smoothie.



Eventually we had to leave for the girls appointment for swine flu vaccination. I had to resort to bribing Christy with a chocolate if she had the needle so we had to visit the chemist. It was here I spotted some m&ms – which I had been craving since seeing them on someones blog. I bought some to enjoy later :-).

I dropped the girls off at school and happily headed home. I did a few necessary chores and made some oatmeal raisin cookies. I have a sneaking  suspicion Tina is also responsible for the m&m’s.While they were cooking I had a banana.


Yes, I know it looks rather brown and past its best but these organic banana are still always great on the inside.


Eventually I felt like some lunch. I wanted something super nutritious (to help fight this cold) and had been seeing roast brocolli all over the health food blogs so decided to try some today. I popped the brocolli and some brown rice bites in the oven. When they were cooked I microwaved some leftover quinoa and some snow peas. Served with some organic BBQ sauce. Yummy!!!



Oh, and the cookies turned out great. I sampled one to see what it was like – oh, boy, they are good!


The rest of the afternoon was spent on the lounge with my laptop and a box of tissues. Kevin also ended up at home early as he’s suffering with the “man flu”. This, of course, meant I had to share my m&ms – which is probably a good thing.



When the girls got home from school I sat with Amy and had some afternoon tea – mountain bread with hummus, grated cheese, grated carrot and home-grown sprouts.


While putting away Christy’s hi-fibre (white) bread the end piece proved too tempted and I enjoyed it with a bit of butter.


Dinner tonight was Mushroom Risotto – comfort food with plenty of nutritious veg. It’s old, old recipe (I think from Weight Watchers) but it’s been some time since I made it. You can find the recipe here.


I finished the night with a cup of tea and an oatmeal cookie. I feel better tonight so I’m hoping to be back to normal in the morning.

Terrific Tuesday

Had a fantastic day as far as food and exercise and feeling good goes. Started off with an early morning walk with the dogs. I was hungry when I got back so had a small snack of 2 cruskits with spreadable cheese.


Later I made a scrambled egg with onion, placed inside some mountain bread with BBQ sauce.



Then it was off to the gym. I decided to ride up with Christy (the school is right next door). I let my membership go in Jan so paid for just 15 visits (that will take me up until we go away). Was nice to be back and see lots of familiar faces. I did 15mins on the bike, 5 mins on rower and 15min on elliptical. Then rode back home. My legs were like jelly when I got home. And my face rather red…


After cooling down I had a shower and made myself a green smoothie.


I made a short 5min video about my recommitment to the Red Carpet Ready program.


Lunch was yet another salad with egg and pineapple and new favourite homemade dressing. I also added some pinenuts.


Spent the afternoon playing on the computer and reading. Legs are feeling it after this mornings workout. But I did manage to get a start on some vegetable soup – just chopped up what I could find in the crisper and added some chicken stock (the kind that doesn’t contain chicken!).


Around 2pm I had




and 5.30pm a half bowl of the vegetable soup…


Dinner was a very delicious selection of roast vegetables…


My plate… with one vegetable finger…


A few hours later I was feeling a little peckish so myself a chocolate protein shake. I haven’t one of these in ages – not since discovering green smoothies so it was very nice for a change.


Next it was time for a nice hot bath – to try sooth my aching legs. Then bed with a good book and a cup of tea (courtesy of Kevin).

Crazy Tuesday

Ooops, I stayed up too late last night reading and while I woke up at 5am, I went back to sleep and didn’t wake again until nearly 7am!!! Too late for the walk I had planned, esp. when I had to be out the door at 8.15am. After getting ready I sat to eat breakfast with the girls. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to made a bowl of muselli. But I wasn’t really in the mood and only ate a few spoonfulls.


When I got back from uniform shop just after 9am I made a green smoothie. Yummy as always.


After watching some of the launch of I want my bikini body, I headed out to get the groceries. I made a short grocery haul video if you want to see what I got.

It was then time for some lunch – which was pita bread with hummus, a lentil patty and some sprouts. Yummy and so full of goodness.


I packed a banana (and sandwiches for the girls) to take in the car to eat on the way to this afternoons appointment.


Then because it was a crazy afternoon I bought a choc bar which I had on the way home.


Back home eventually I made myself a cup of tea which I had with some healthy handfuls. Feeling a bit stressed with the way the afternoon had turned out.  Of course then I didn’t get hungry until 7pm and since it was just Christy and me for dinner I made some cheese on toast.


Probably not one of my best food days – but not too bad considering how crazy it ended up.

Simple Saturday

Very hard to get out of bed again this morning (hands and feet sore and swollen again) but I did. And I even managed to talk Kevin into coming for a walk with me and dogs this morning. It was nice to have some human company and good chance for us to have a chat.

I made the girls some French Toast for breakfast and decided to have a slice myself. We have ours the Scottish way – with tomato ketchup. Yum.



I then got busy in the kitchen – making bread (for the girls lunch), some lemon cookies and hummus. Christy had a friend over to play and Amy occupied herself on the computer.

Mid-morning I had a cup of tea , a banana and slice of banana cake. I’m trying to teach myself I don’t have to have a cake/cookie with every cup of tea!

I was playing with my new DSLR (Kevin’s spare camera) and the camera was set right so the photos are VERY yellow!


Lunch today was a salad with egg and the homemade hummus.


Amy photographed her lunch today as well. She must have been hungry when she prepared this but only ate 3/4.


This afternoon I played on the computer – working on our holiday plans. I sampled a few of the lemon cookies


and later served some hummus with turkish bread and veggie chips for Kevin & I to munch on.


After a spa and more computer time we had another easy dinner of leftover Mushroom and Potato soup with a chunk of homemade bread. So hard to get decent lighting at the dinner table when it’s dark outside.


I hadn’t planned on having ice-cream tonight but when I had to dish some out for Christy I weakened and did a bowl for myself. Tonight I grated a block of Cadbury fairtrade choc. which was SOOO yummy on the ice cream.
