Day 8 – We’ve had enough of Covid

Not a lot to write about today as we yet again, stayed in. Though I’m now past my recommended quarantine time, Kevin wasn’t feeling too great and was very tired.

We started the day doing a covid test. Since I’m feeling pretty much back to “normal” I thought I would test negative but that wasn’t the case.

I did get up and dressed again as I am so sick of lying in bed (& also sitting on the couch).

Later in the afternoon Kevin & I watched some YouTube

before watching, which pretty good.

Hopefully tomorrow (for our second last day in Vegas) we’ll be able to venture out and see some of the sights. Then I’ve basically decided that it’s Holiday Take 2 on Saturday when we fly to Orlando.

As we were heading to bed I got to facetime with Christy and the pups. Christy was about to start packing as it’s almost time for her to fly over and join us.

Day 6 – Slowly getting better

I awoke this morning to finding myself pretty much to my normal fibro way. But poor Kevin was feeling worse and hadn’t slept very well. Sadly he had to cancel his AWS sessions for the day.

Kevin was kind enough to go downstairs to collect our Instacart order when it arrived, even though he was feeling worse than I was. I filmed what we got to share in the vlog. It was such an odd assortment and will really only keep up going a day or two. And I’m sure I ordered a bunch of bananas … must have been a bunch of one ??

I was pleased to find my appetite had returned to normal and I was able to enjoy some pita bread with vegan baby bell for breakfast. And while the baby bell looked like plastic it actually tasted very close to the dairy version.

Earlier I had put on some washing – not a lot as I’ve been living in one of my nighties. We get a good amount of sunshine in the window here so that was a great spot to dry the things I didn’t put in the dryer. It was so nice to just get dressed in proper clothes today, even though I wasn’t going anywhere.

Kevin slept for much of day. I alternated between sitting on the couch in the loungeroom and sitting in bed. I managed to edit the covid vlog – though realized the next day I totally forgot to review it before uploading it to YouTube. No big deal, but hope there was nothing major that should have been edited further.

Kevin requested the soup I’d bought for lunch today so I had my salad, which was nice – but an awful lot of spinach (definitely got my greens in today :-)).

I’m really enjoying the view from this room. And have spent quite a bit of time looking out, watching cars and the odd person, and all the helicopters going up down the strip (so many at sunset).

The sunset tonight was beautiful – especially with so many chemtrails in the sky.

Kevin wasn’t feeling particularly hungry at dinner so we just shared the sweet potato casserole that I had purchased. It was nice for a change. I didn’t bother with a photo as it did not look very appetizing :-).

We watched some YouTube before Kevin went back to sleep around 8.30pm. I then read for a couple of hours. Today definitely felt more of a fibro day for me – whether it was just a fibro flare from having covid or a normal fibro day I don’t know but I felt much more like myself on a not so great (fibro) day.