I was up before the sun again today. Feel like I’ve just got a head cold now.

While writing up yesterdays blog post I got to enjoy a very nice sunrise, even though it was just 2C outside !!! Glad I didn’t have to head outside too early!

There was no need to rush as we only planned to be out for a few hours – depending on how we were feeling. We even ate breakfast at the table today – first time all week. Kevin had the acai bowl I’d bought to have, while I really enjoyed the Amy’s tofu scramble (will definitely be having this again while we’re at Disney).

Shortly after 9.30am we headed downstairs and got an uber over to the Venetian (where Kevin’s conference was being (mainly) held). For the first time we had an uber driver who requested our bags we stowed in the boot. I thought this was very odd until we discovered he was a African American male. I suspected it was because of potential violence from passengers so asked him, and yep, it’s for his personal safety. Which is just so sad that someone has to consider this because of the colour of their skin. And the prevalence of guns in the country. As an Australian it’s very odd (and somewhat scary) to realize that some of the people around you would be carrying guns that you can not see.

It was nice to step back into the Venetian – it was the place we stayed when Kevin started coming to the AWS conference back in 2017. I’d also forgotten that the newer/better casinos have good ventilation and you can’t smell the cigarette smoke like we could at the Rio.

We headed to the AWS registration area so Kevin could register, even though he wasn’t attending any events, so he could pick up his swag. I felt bad for him because he’d been really looking forward to the conference and being here surrounded by people attending must have reminded him what he missed out on.

We then had a little wander around, stopping to take some photographs.

We briefly stopped into Sketchers and Tommy Bahamas but Kevin started to not feel so great so we gave up on shopping, and headed out onto the strip for a quick drop in to Walgreens.

It was really quiet out – Vegas must still be missing the international tourists. We walked around to the back of Harrah’s, where the nearest uber pick up was. Loved the little dog toilet area they have.

It took our Uber some time to find the right spot but eventually we were on our way to Target. We had a lovely driver and she was telling us how she was taking her 7 year old on a surprise trip to Disneyland for Christmas – all paid for with her Uber driving income.

We had planned to stop in at Starbucks for a drink and rest but there wasn’t one at this Target. It was also super quiet – not used to shopping in Target when it’s so quiet. We were definitely at one the locals shop at. Unfortunately Kevin started to feel very unwell again while we were here so we had to cut our visit a bit short. Not sure if it was still the effects of Covid or something else (he has a few undiagosed issues). We got checked out and waited outside for our uber. Kevin felt a good bit better after sitting outside in the fresh air for a bit.

We spent the afternoon back in our apartment. For lunch Kevin cooked us the Gardein Mandarin Chick’n, which is one of our fav meals.

We watched some youtube, did some reading, had a nice relaxing bath, and later watched Falling for Christmas. Not the best movie but it was okay. Kevin wasn’t feeling like dinner so I put together a little plate of nachos using corn chips, the vegan queso, and some diced tomato and greens.

We are both feeling a little frustrated at such a slow recovery. I’m mainly dealing with blocked, runny nose, which Kevin is still getting bad headaches and some body pains, along with a stuffy nose and sore throat. We both also got tired very quickly yesterday. It’s not looking too good for Universal but we had planned on a SLOW holiday anyway – we’ll just have to go even slower :-).